Name: First, Last
We welcome your comments on what would make the NBBD more useful to you. Suggestions on content and updates to our information are very helpful. We appreciate your interest in North Brevard and our efforts to inform our neighbors and the world about the wonderful resources that are here. (There are more than 4,500 webpages indexed on Google. The NBBD is used by 2,500-3,000 visitors every day.) For details, please go to:
eMail address
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Where are you from?
I live in North Brevard
I "Snowbird" in Brevard
I live in "other" Brevard
I found something in North Brevard that interests me.
North Brevard: Volucia line to just south of SR 528 plus Christmas
Please include the URL (http://....) of the page you refer to.
If you are a business, organization or activity in North Brevard we would love for you to have a presence on the North Brevard Business (& Community) Directory. Please go to for information.
Please check out the drop down menus at the top of most pages to see the extent of the NBBD.
North Brevard Business & Community Directory
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