Special Gathering of Indian River
Melbourne & Vero Beach, FloridaA ministry dedicated to sharing the good news within the mentally challenged community
in South Brevard & Indian River Counties.
Buses carrying people who are mentally challenged pull up to the church building. Other members are unloaded from cars and vans; then they head for the double doors that lead to the fellowship hall where Bible study classes will be held. Each Sunday morning Bowe Gardens Baptist Church of Melbourne, Florida, hosts a unique congregation of worshipers called The Special Gathering. Sponsored by more than 30 churches in South Brevard and Indian River Counties from various denominations, The Special Gathering has seen significant growth this past year. The size has increased but, more important, they have grown in spiritual maturity. The deacons, elected from the membership, pray for their peers. The choir helps to lead praise and worship. The ushers welcome visitors. They collect, count, and verify the offering. In addition, Richard maneuvers Chrissy's wheel chair to the Fellowship Hall after their corporate worship is held. Jimmy helps position Beth's walker and Margaret holds Ben's chocolate cookie snack. They are the church serving and preferring each other.
Special Gathering of South Brevard meets each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. at 2700 Sarno Rd., Melbourne, FL 23935.
Special Gathering of Vero Beach meets Saturday at 3:30pm in Vero at 11105 58th Avenue (First Church of God) at the Southeast entrance.
For information, write area director, Linda Howard, Special Gathering
P. O. Box 6002, Vero Beach, FL 32961.
Or contact us at lhoward@specialgatherings.com.
The phone numbers are: 321-773-2691 in Melbourne and 561-770-1011 in Vero.