North Brevard Heritage Foundation Logo

North Brevard
Heritage Foundation, Inc.
a non-profit (501c3) organization established April 2005

P.O. Box 653, Titusville, FL 32781-0653

To Mission Statement, Board of Directors and Membership   To Board of Directors and Membership   Events we participate in


The North Brevard Heritage Foundation, Inc. (non-profit) has taken the initiative to move forward with developing Brevard Heritage Center (Park). The NBHF is working in collaboration with the Field Manor Foundation to develop this project on approx. 15 acres of Field Manor property located off of Tropical Trail on north Merritt Island. The location is ideally situated and centrally located in Brevard County, south of 528 Causeway, so it is easily accessible.

The Brevard Heritage Center (Park) will be an interactive and educational Community Project, interpreting stories of the diversity of the people and lifestyles on the Indian River - from Native Americans to the early settlers - and the development of the fishing, citrus, agriculture and scrubland industries of Brevard County. This will be accomplished through a variety of historic and replicated structures and architectural styles, educational presentations and programs, exhibits, events, and immersion activities and experiences.

BHC site plan
CLICK for an enlargement.






Click on the pictures for details.
Oliver's Camp at Chain of Lakes - Titusville
Historic Oliver's Camp House
It was in the original plan

Oliver's Camp House was demolished Oct 18, 2023

The Oliver Family migrated from Missouri in the early 1870s and homesteaded an area known as Turnbull Hammock in north Brevard. This Craftsman Style house was built by L.C. Oliver in 1910 and later sold to J.J. Parrish and used for the grove keeper's house and the "main camp" for grove workers. It was located on Jay Jay Rd. in Titusville. It will include a museum and exhibit space on the first floor with rotating exhibits of collections related to agriculture and Brevard County history. NBHF offices and storage will be on the second floor. Flanked by Oak Trees for shade. (Note: This structure may be demolished by the County instead of relocating it to the project site due to logistical and funding problems. The NBHF will salvage materials if possible).

Clifton School House - 1890-1891
Historic Clifton Schoolhouse
A one-room schoolhouse built in 1890 for their children by the Campbell and Jackson Families, African Americans who settled on north Merritt Island. It was discovered in 2003 in a remote wooded area north of the Haulover Canal. It will be furnished with vintage school desks, McGuffey Readers, blackboard and a schoolteacher's desk. Programs and lectures will be presented about the African American Families who lived on Merritt Island, their way of life, family histories and the importance of education. It will be flanked by Palmetto palms and clump bamboo

Folk Life Pavilion and Public Restrooms
Area will be offered as rental space to non- profits, organizations and businesses as a venue for exhibits, lectures and immersion workshops. Will serve as a picnic area for family reunions and celebrations, etc. Separated from Indian Wars/Civil War Fort by shade trees.


Accompanying exhibits include a small Sugarcane Field, cane grinder, bee boxes, pineapple & vegetable gardens, citrus trees & exhibits. Will depict early pioneer farming lifestyles and the diversity of the people who settled Brevard County. Demonstrations, immersion activities & exhibits of Beekeeping, Scrubland, Citrus & Agri-Industries, Blacksmithing and Moonshining will be presented.

Gibson-Tenement-Houses_3-shotguns-style in 2005
Historic Gibson Tenement Houses
Three shotgun style houses built by William & Kate Gibson between 1906-1912 to provide living quarters for African American citrus grove & Railroad workers.They were once part of a larger complex of tenement houses, originally located on Palm St. across the street from the Government Center on South St. in Titusville. Two contain 1929-1932 additions of kitchens and bathrooms.The third will be replicated as originally constructed at 371 square feet. They will be furnished with period furniture and accessories and will have displays and presentations about African Americans relative to the Citrus, Fishing, Agri-Scrubland Industries and Railroad workers. Flanked by Citrus Trees and a small Sugarcane Field.

Sugar Cane Grinder
Exhibit of how Sugarcane was pressed for juice to make syrup.

Field Station

Early 1900s windmill, rails and pushcart to support a small pineapple field. Exhibit of pineapple history.

Hutchenson's 1940's barn
Historic Hutcheson Barn
Built by the Hutcheson Family between 1939-1940s of recycled materials and sawmill heart pine lumber and cross-sawed cypress. Originally located on the corner of Parrish Rd & Singleton Ave. in Titusville. Displays of whiskey barrels, chicken cages farm implements, beekeeping and turpentine industries. Demonstrations, immersion activities, presentations and exhibits of beekeeping, blacksmithing, moonshining, fishing and scrubland, citrus and agriculture industries.

Cracker House with detached kitchen
Cracker House & Detached Kitchen
A replica of a typical early 1900s Cracker style house. Constructed on the site for authenticity. Furnished with vintage furniture and accessories from local families. Will represent pioneer lifestyles with family histories of early settlers that will be told through exhibits, presentations, lectures & publications.
(Note: We are in the process of acquiring a local Cracker House.)

Native Plant Garden
Showcase a variety of native plants, herbs, vegetables, medicinal plants and propagate for sale to public.

Replicated 2-holer outhouse surrounded by native trees and shrubs.



In addition to the historic structures that represent settlement after the Civil War, we are proposing four vital elements to complete the story about the historic development of Brevard County. This proposal will address the conceptual plan for replications of the Ais Indian Encampment & Seminole Chickee, the Pioneer Palmetto Hut and the Indian Wars/Civil War Fort.

Ais Chief's Long House
Ais Indian Encampment
The story begins with the earliest settlement of Native Americans in Brevard County and the history of the Windover Dig and Elliott's Plantation. Ais family house - a Bohios The replication of a chief's longhouse and family houses (bohios) will be constructed of log pole frames thatched with palmetto fronds. They will represent the Ais Indian Encampment located on the banks of the "river" near a forested area and cabbage palms with a mock shell midden on the river shoreline. Fire pits and drying racks will be outside with wood benches inside. This area will be used as an Archaeological outdoor classroom, exhibits and interpretive center for Native American special events and demonstrations.

Mock Archaeological Site
Scatter area for hands-on archaeological "digs" and immersion activities.

Seminole Chickee - concept drawing
The Seminole story will be told at the replicated Chickee, located south of the Ais Indian Encampment. Interpretive center for Seminole Storytelling, dugout canoe making and fireside cooking will be demonstrated at special events.

An early settler's hut.
Continuity of structures and lifestyle of the earliest pioneer will be exhibited with the replication of the Palmetto Hut. The first house of the early pioneer was constructed of a wood frame and thatched palmetto fronds, scavenged from land clearing and learned from Native Americans. It will be located south of the Seminole Chickee and separated from the Indian Encampment by a wooded interpretive area. Stories of pioneering life on the Indian and St. John's Rivers, family histories, relationships with Native Americans and "living off the land" will be told.

Hand-pulled Log Ferry or wood bridge
Located between the Seminole Chickee and the Palmetto Hut there will be the "rivercrossing" that will transcend from the Indian Wars/Civil War Era Fort and Farmstead areas.

Fort Ann - concept drawing
The replication of an Indian Wars/Civil war era Fort will be located across the "river," surrounded by longleaf pines that will separate the Fort from the Ais Indian Encampment by a group of Pine trees and the Farmstead and Pavilion by a group of Palmetto Palms and Oak trees. It will be constructed of hand-hewn log walls with parapets and log interior buildings as examples of officer's quarters and a general- purpose medical facility. A series of wooden "lean-tos" will be erected on the outside of the fort and for special occasions tents may be erected for overnight usage. These will serve to host Scout Troops for camp-overs and aJamboree, biking groups and others who want to camp. Here stories will be told of the Indian Wars, Fort Ann and the Haulover Canal. Living history re-enactors and displays will tell of Civil War activities in Brevard County and Florida. Journals, photos and family histories of early pioneers who settled on the Indian River after the Civil War and became leading citizens of Brevard County will be featured.

Brevard Heritage Center will be fenced with typical period wood fencing and post & beam entrance. Storyboards will be displayed throughout the Center to provide information for self-guided tours when docents are not available. The Museum will be located within Oliver's Camp House near the entrance and will provide interesting rotating exhibits and displays from our extensive collections donated by Brevard County families. Exciting programs, demonstrations, lectures, special events and immersion activities will be held throughout the year with docent led tours by reservation. Brochures will be developed and marketing will be promoted through the Space Coast Office of Tourism, social media such as Facebook, Instagram & Twitter, Museums of Brevard and various organization websites.



Education and Special Events:

The exclusive function of the Brevard Heritage Center (Park) is to educate the public through exhibits and interactive living history programs depicting the diverse lifestyles of the early settlers of Brevard County. The anticipated audience for the Center and its programs will include Eco/Heritage Tourism trips from the cruise ships, scouting troops, school tours, bus groups, biking/hiking groups, and the general public.

In order to manage & maintain Center expenses it will be necessary to charge an entrance fee (to be determined). Additional income would be generated by holding immersion workshops and classes, rental fees for special events such as reunions, corporate events, musical concerts, and special camping/sleeping accommodations at the Fort and Gibson Tenement Houses.

Early Florida Trades and Historic Preservation Workshops

This series of workshops and classes are designed to be an immersion experience for those attending and will be scheduled annually with a limited number per class or workshop. This offers a unique opportunity to gain an appreciation for the work and daily life of early settlers.

Students are encouraged to stay on-site during the course. Meals may be cooked in the late 19th and early 20th century style over an open wood fire. Sleeping accommodation will be in vintage beds located in two of the Gibson Tenement Houses. Lean-to and tent camping areas will be available within the Fort for the more adventurous.

Workshop duration varies but averages 1-2 days per class with 2-3 classes per workshop depending on the complexity and information available on the chosen subject. Fee structure for workshops will be determined by availability of instructor. Suggested subjects include wood floor, window and door restoration, tin smithing, blacksmithing, period textiles identification & repair, pottery and porcelain identification & repair, open wood fire cooking, early medicinal herb usage, home canning, quilting and needlecrafts, etc.

These in-depth hands-on workshops appeal to a wide range of students including tradesmen, craftsmen, homeowners looking to deal with issues concerning historic home maintenance and restoration, and museum industry professionals who want to expand their skills. Instructors will be professionals who are leaders in their fields.

Annual Folk Life Festival

Statewide participation from various organizations and craftsmen. Music, food, crafts, textile arts, basket making, pottery, woodworking, native plants, re-enactors at Fort, Ais Indian Encampment, Seminole Chickee and Pioneer Hut and a Storytelling contest. Events will be diverse and expanded as the festival develops.

General Education

Center tours conducted by trained docents for groups. Self-guided tours by signage throughout the Center and Brochures.
      School Field Trip tours.
      Bus Group tours.
      Cruise Ship Day trip or stay-vacation tours.
      Special Biking/Hiking Group tours.

Offer limited primitive camping at the Fort or sleeping accommodations at the Gibson Tenement Houses.

Offer special exhibit space to non-profit organizations at the Pavilion and limited space at the Museum (located on the first floor of Oliver’s Camp House).

Organizations and Business Immersion Workshops such as Historic Preservation and Restoration Techniques for Historic Structures, Antique Furniture Refinishing, Woodfire Cooking, Gardening with Native Plant, Herbs and Medical Plants, Needlework such as quilting, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, rug hooking, and more. Special Events and Exhibits with Demonstrations of Crafts and Skills at each structure.

Offer space at the Fort for Scout Troops and Jamborees. Camp-overs and immersion workshops to earn badges.




Heritage Park flyer PDF

CLICK to enlarge, print & share this PDF flyer
CLICK for site plan enlargement.

We are asking citizens, businesses, corporations and organizations of Brevard County to support historic preservation and heritage/cultural education by participating and supporting this worthy project.

The NBHF will solicit donations, sponsorships and in-kind services for architectural & engineering services, County permitting and to move the historic structures from the storage area to the development site. Corporations, businesses and organizations can help by providing sponsorships, donations and grants for specific historic or replicated structures such as the central pavilion/restrooms & exterior classroom, the Gibson Tenement Houses (3 shotgun style houses), Hutcheson Barn, Cracker House and Indian Wars/Civil War Fort.

Craftsmen volunteers with skills such as carpenters, electricians, masonry will be needed to help restore some of the historic structures. The NBHF has salvaged building materials from other historic structures that were destined to be demolished or deteriorated beyond rescue to use in the restoration process. We will also need volunteers & organizations to help with fundraising, social media promotion & outreach.

If your organization or business would like to have more information or a presentation about this project or if you would like to volunteer your services or provide sponsorships please contact:
Roz Foster, President NBHF, 321-626-5224 or
Mitch Morgan 321-917-1297

Donations may be sent to
North Brevard Heritage Foundation, P. O. Box 653, Titusville, Fl. 32781
Please note it is for the Brevard Heritage Center





424 So. Washington Ave. Titusville, FL

ThePritchard House in April 2017 with Peggy Martin Roses

Tours are available daily from 9am - 6:00pm, limited up to 8-10 visitors per group and will not be mixed with another group. Call ahead for reservations to schedule your preferred time or for additional information: 321-607-0203. We're looking forward to your visit.
Enjoy, Roz

The historic Pritchard House is a fine example of Queen Anne style architecture and appears much today as it did when it was built for Captain James Pritchard in 1891. The historic Pritchard House is open to the public as a house museum. Both the house and gardens are available as rentals for special occasions such as birthday/anniversary parties, bridal showers/weddings, business /organizational activities. The Foundation holds many interesting activities that are open to the public, including docent lead tours, "notable" afternoon teas, special events and exhibits of their extensive collections.

To the Pritchard House website.



126 Grannis Ave. Titusville, FL

The Carter Family home.

The North Brevard Heritage Foundation was instrumental in saving this historic structure from code violations and possible demolition. We worked with members of the Carter family and the City of Titusville to resolve code violations. After transferring the property by quit claim deeds, we assisted the North Brevard Charities and Sharing Center in acquiring the property. It has been rehabilitated for community adaptive use as the Boys and Girls Clubs of Titusville .

To the history of the Carter House and the Carter Family