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Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

A pair of manatees.  

Junior Ranger Days
Titusville, Florida
Summer 2018 — FREE

  Florida Scrub-jay

Education Ranger at Merritt Island NWR
Looking for a fun, free way to spend Saturday mornings with your kids during the summer? Join us for our Junior Ranger Days at the Refuge! Families are welcome to join in on as many or as few programs as you'd like, but if you attend at least three you'll receive your Junior Ranger Badge! Call 321-861-0668 to reserve your spot!

Join us for our Summer Junior Ranger Days, where children ages 7-12 can learn more about the refuge and the world around them. Each program will feature nature-based activities, crafts, and games! At the end of the summer, children will be awarded their badges and prizes for three out of six programs. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and registration is required. To register, please call (321) 861-0668.

June 16 at 10:00amHere Today, Gone Tomorrow
The U.S Fish and Wildlife Services mission is to help protect wildlife and their habitats. FWS enforces the Endangered Species Act, which helps to protect endangered and threatened species. Learn which endangered animals are nearby and how we can help protect them!

June 23 at 9:00amLegendary Lagoon
Loads of animals call the Indian River Lagoon home either year-round or part-time Come seine in the lagoon and conduct water quality tests to see how healthy of a home this habitat is. Participants should wear closed tie-up shoes and clothes that they can get wet.

June 30 at 9:00amSeashore Explore
Come learn about the amazing creatures that creep and crawl in and out of the sea! This adventure will take place with our National Park Service neighbor, Canaveral National Seashore!

July 7 at 9:00amLand, sea, you and Me
Conservation means helping continue future use so that your grandchildren can have the same experience your grandparents did on this land Come learn about the history of our agency, hunting and fishing safety, challenges that face certain species, and more!

July 14 at 9:00amA Burning Question
Generally people think of fire as a bad thing- we will explore the question: why is fire necessary? Come explore the animals and habitats who rely on fire, and the safety equipment used to protect people performing prescribed bums.

July 21 at 10:00amA Bug's Life
Learn about the important role butterflies and other pollinators play in the health of our refuge and beyond around the world Take a closer look in on the big picture to notice the smaller species around us and learn what we can do to help them succeed!

The Visitor Center is located on SR 402, 5 miles east of U.S. 1 in Titusville.

For Refuge information please contact Visitors Services Manager Kimberly King-Wrenn at 321-861-0668 or by email at:

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On March 14, 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt signed an Executive Order creating Pelican Island as the country's first national wildlife refuge. Roosevelt went on to establish an additional 54 national wildlife refuges during his two terms and set historic conservation values for America. These values have grown into a system, which today, consists of 563 National Wildlife Refuges on more than 150 million acres of America's most important wildlife habitat.

As part of its mission, the Service manages 563 national wildlife refuges and other units of the Refuge System covering 150 million acres. These areas comprise the National Wildlife Refuge System, the world's largest collection of lands and waters set aside specifically for fish and wildlife. The majority of these lands, 77 million acres are in Alaska, while 54 million acres are part of three marine national monuments in the Pacific Ocean. The remaining acres are spread across the other 49 states and several United States territories. In addition to refuges, the Service manages thousands of small wetlands, 38 wetland management districts, 70 national fish hatcheries, 65 fishery resource offices, and 81 ecological services field stations.

The Service enforces federal wildlife laws, administers the Endangered Species Act, manages migratory bird populations, restores nationally significant fisheries, conserves and restores wildlife habitat, and helps foreign governments with their conservation efforts. It also oversees the Federal Aid program that distributes hundreds of millions of dollars in excise taxes on fishing and hunting equipment to state fish and wildlife agencies.