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Funeral Solutions logo

5455 North U.S. 1
Cocoa, Florida 32927
(24 hrs) 321-638-1373
(toll free) 1-877-726-1373

Showroom open 9 to 5 weekdays.
Other hours by appointment.
Phone is answered 24 hours a day

Cary K. Troxel - Owner / Funeral Director
The Troxel family has been
serving Florida families
in the past 5 decades


When Caring
and Cost

Funeral Solutions store front

Local family owned

Service ­ Savings ­ VALUE

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Dignified and affordable funeral, burial and cremation options made available
with the emphasis on your specific needs and desires.

Funeral Solutions showroom 2  

We are committed ...

  • To the dignity and trust of each and every family that calls upon us to serve their needs at their most difficult hour.
  • To a receptive and caring environment of focused and dedicated professionals that specialize in providing exceptional value in dignified funeral and memorial options specifically designed to suit the unique and specific needs of each individual family that we are privileged to serve.

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Q Just what is Funeral Solutions and how does it differ from the local funeral homes?

A Funeral Solutions is an independently owned fully licensed funeral establishment offering cost saving, value priced options for funeral and memorial arrangements, cremations and burials. Our family owned firm is founded on a low-overhead principle, keeping costs much lower than our local competitors.

Q Can I expect the same level of service and funeral merchandise at Funeral Solutions even though their prices are at a discounted level?

A You can expect superlative service and attention from us for your particular needs. Our caskets, vaults, urns, grave markers and other products are of the finest quality available. We can assure complete satisfaction to all families we serve.

Funeral Solutions showroom 1

  • Advance planning
  • Local funerals & burials
  • Out of state transfers
  • Cremation options
  • Personalized memorials
  • Markers & headstones
  • Guaranteed travel assurance
Q Is advance planning and prepayment available? If where do the funds go u needed?

A Funeral Solutions offers a wide variety of complete preneed planning services for all. 100% of all funds are secured in a highly regulated and secured trust or life insurance policy. All plans are refundable or transferable at any time under the terms of the written agreement.

Q With respect to cremation, what options are available for final disposition of the cremated remains?

A We offer a multitude of unique options from land, sea, as well as space burials. Many individuals are simply amazed at what we have available to suit their personal and individual preferences. We also display a wide selection of urns in various styles and materials to suit virtually any taste and budget.

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Our Family's Story

The Troxel family has been serving Florida families in the funeral profession since the late 1960's. We have always been very proud of our fine reputation of service to all who have called on us to assist them in their time of loss.

In a time where large international consolidators have bought up funeral homes and turned them into massive sales and marketing centers, we remain committed to being sensitive to what you perceive as your needs. Your personal ideas and desires are the very things we endeavor to form and initiate our service around. We also feel that families facing loss and grief deserve uncompromising attention and care. Care that involves someone to go the extra mile in providing solutions to all the important details associated with arrangements, services, transportation, memorials, notifications - the list goes on.

We invite and encourage you to lean on us. Utilize our experience and expertise in helping you through this difficult period. Allow us to serve your family and add to the dignity of life and remembrance and help you obtain a true sense of relief and value to the process of grieving that you and your family are going through.

--Cary Troxel and family

Located in the GlobeNet Center, just 1 mile south of Port St. John; 5 miles north of Cocoa city limits (SR 528 Beeline)


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